About IOP

The Institute of Politics at Florida State University (IOP@FSU) is a world-class, nonpartisan, and nationally renowned institute that promotes engagement in politics by students and citizens. Housed within the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, the IOP@FSU supports applied political research by a cadre of world-class scholars and will mobilize the talents of our alumni, students, faculty, and friends while taking advantage of our location in Florida’s Capital City.

The IOP@FSU offers wide-ranging opportunities for FSU students to become civically engaged, promotes research in politics, citizen involvement, and public service, and promotes the awareness of politics, citizen involvement, and public service in the general public.

The IOP@FSU welcomes your financial support which will help to offer a fresh lens through which people can view political information in an objective way.

“No, democracy is not a fragile flower; still, it needs cultivating. If the rest of this century is to witness the gradual growth of freedom and democratic ideals, we must take actions to assist the campaign for democracy.”

Ronald Reagan