The Institute of Politics supports and promotes research and awareness regarding politics, citizen involvement, and public service.
IOP@FSU supported research spans academic disciplines and the political spectrum. We bring together scholars from across disciplines to collaborate on multi-disciplinary research projects. The IOP@FSU also supports postdoctoral fellows pursuing research.
“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all”
John F. Kennedy
Members of the IOP@FSU participate in nonpartisan research projects concerning public surveys, web content, podcast series, media content, and white papers that all offer crisp summaries of research of interest to political practitioners.
Hans Hassell (Director)
The Party’s Primary: Control of Congressional Nominations . 2018. New York: Cambridge University Press.
The Party’s Primary Preferences: Race, Gender, and Party Support of Congressional Primary Candidates with Neil Visalvanich. 2019. American Journal of Political Science 63(4):905-919.
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: Electoral Competitiveness, Poll Position, and Campaign Negativity. Political Behavior. 2020. Forthcoming
It’s Who’s on the Inside that Counts: Campaign Practitioner Personality and Campaign Electoral Integrity. Political Behavior. 2020. Forthcoming
On the Limits of Officials’ Ability to Change Citizens’ Priorities: A Field Experiment in Local Politics, with Daniel M. Butler. 2018. American Political Science Review 112(4):860-873
Mobilize for Our Lives? School Shootings and Retrospective Voting in U.S. Elections with John B. Holbein. 2020 American Political Science Review 114(4):1375-1385.
Brad Kile (Outreach Director)
Do Networks Solve Collective Action Problems? Credibility, Search, and Collaboration with John T. Scholz and Ramiro Berado. 2008. Journal of Politics 70(1):393
Deana Rohlinger (Research Director)
New Media and Society. 2019. New York: New York University Press
Protest during a Pandemic: How COVID-19 Affected Social Movements in 2020. with DS Meyer. 2020 American Behavioral Scientist.
Gender, age, and political legitimacy: Activist (in)visibility in broadcast news, 1970–2012 with Rebecca A. Redmond and Tara Stamm. 2020. Journal of Women & Aging. Forthcoming
From “thank god for helping this person” to “libtards really jumped the shark”: Opinion leaders and (in)civility in the wake of school shootings with Cynthia Williams and Mackenzie Teek. 2020. New Media & Society 22(6):1004-1025
Misogynistic Men Online: How The Red Pill Helped Elect Donald Trump with Peirce Alexander Dignam. 2019. Signs 44(3): 589–612
Collective Identity in the Digital Age: Thin and Thick Identities in and the Tea Party Movement with Leslie Bunnage. Mobilization 23(2):135-157
Brad Gomez (Research Director)
Change and Continuity in the 2016 and 2018 Elections with John H. Aldrich, Jamie L. Carson, and David W. Rohde. 2019. Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press/Sage
Threat Perception and American Support for Torture with Courtenay R. Conrad, Sarah E. Croco, and Will H. Moore. 2018. Political Behavior 40:989-1009
Reevaluating the Sociotropic Economic Voting Hypothesis with Thomas G. Hansford. 2015. Electoral Studies 39: 15-25
Economic Retrospection and the Calculus of Voting with Thomas G. Hansford. 2015. Political Behavior 37:309-329
Estimating the Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout with Thomas G. Hansford. 2010. American Political Science Review 104(2):268-288
Charles Barrileaux (Affiliated Faculty)
Democratic Policy Making with Chris Reenock and Mark Souva. New York: Cambridge University Press
State Government Preemption of Local Government Policies Through the Courts with Jeffrey Swanson. 2020. Urban Affairs Review 56(2): 671-97
The Politics of Need: Explaining Gubernatorial Choices to Refuse the ‘Obamacare’ Medicaid Expansion with Carlisle Rainey. 2014. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 14(4):437-60
What Motivates Political Preferences? Self‐Interest, Ideology, and Fairness in a Laboratory Democracy with Justin Esarey and Timothy C. Salmon. Economic Inquiry 50(30):604-624
Social Insurance and Income Redistribution in a Laboratory Experiment with Justin Esarey and Timothy C. Salmon. 2012. Political Research Quarterly 65(3):685-698
Frances Berry (Affiliated Faculty)
Examining the Role of Perceived Risk and Benefit, Shared Concern for Nuclear Stigmatization, and Trust in Governments in Shaping Citizen Risk Acceptability of a Nuclear Power Plant with Jiwon Nam-Speers and Donwe Choi. 2020. Social Science Journal. Forthcoming
Policy Design and Achieving Social Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis of Social Enterprise Policy with Donwe Choi and Adela Ghadimi. 2019. Public Administration Review 80(3):494-505
Explaining the Strictness of Medical Marijuana Regulations in States with Gook Jin Kim and Suk Joon Hwang. 2020. Social Science Journal. Forthcoming
The Individual Health Insurance Mandate and Veterans Health Coverage with Dongjin Oh. Armed Forces & Society. Forthcoming
Deterring Drunk Driving: Why Some States Go Further Than Others In Policy Innovation with Suk Joon Hwang. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(10):1749
Robert Jackson (Affiliated Faculty)
Strategic Candidates, Campaign Dynamics, and Campaign Advertising in Gubernatorial Races with Thomas M. Carsey, Melissa Stewart, and James P. Nelson. 2011. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 11:269-98
Getting on the Rolls: Analyzing the Effects of Lowered Barriers on Voter Registration with Cynthia R. Rugeley. 2009. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 9:56-78
Examining the Possible Corrosive Impact of Negative Advertising on Citizens’ Attitudes toward Politics with Jeffery J. Mondak, and Robert Huckfeldt. 2009. Political Research Quarterly 62:55-69
Dual Nationality Among Latinos: What Are the Implications for Political Connectedness? with Jeffrey K. Staton and Damarys Canache. 2007. Journal of Politics 69 :470-82
Matthew Pietryka (Affiliated Faculty)
From Respondents to Networks: Bridging Between Individuals, Discussants, and the Network in the Study of Political Discussion with Jack Reilly, Patrick Miller, Daniel Maliniak, Ronald Be. Rapoport and Robert Huckfeldt. 2018. Political Behavior 40(3):711-35
It’s Not Just What You Have, but Who You Know: Networks, Social Proximity to Elites, and Voting in State and Local Elections with Donald A Debats. 2017. American Political Science Review 111(2):360-378
Colleague Crowdsourcing: A Method for Fostering National Student Engagement and Large-N Data Collection with Amber E. Boydstun, Jessica T. Feezell, Rebecca A. Glazier, and Timothy P. Jurka. 2014. PS:Political Science & Politics 4:829-34
Real-Time Reactions to a 2012 Presidential Debate: A Method for Understanding Which Messages Matter with Amber E. Boydstun, Rebecca A. Glazier, and Philip Resnik. 2014. Public Opinion Quarterly 78(1)330-43
Michelle Whyman (Affiliated Faculty)
The Great Broadening: How the Vast Expansion of the Policymaking Agenda Transformed American Politics with Bryan Jones and Sean Theriault. 2019. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Doug Ahler (Affliated Faculty)
The Delegate Paradox: Why Polarized Politicians Can Represent Citizens Best” with David E. Broockman. 2018. Journal of Politics 80 (4): 1117-1133
The Parties in Our Heads: Misperceptions about Party Composition and Their Consequences with Gaurav Sood. 2018. Journal of Politics 80 (3): 964-981
Face Value? Experimental Tests of the Influence of Candidate Appearance on Electoral Choice with Jack Citrin, Michael C. Dougal, and Gabriel S. Lenz. 2017. Political Behavior 39 (1): 77-102
Do Open Primaries Improve Representation? An Experimental Test of California’s 2012 Top-Two Primary. with Jack Citrin, and Gabriel S. Lenz. 2016. Legislative Studies Quarterly 41 (2): 237- 268